- Use the storage room by the outdoor deck of the restaurant "Le Rendez-vous" to drop off your luggage : Rue du soleil, 73440 Val thorens.
- Call us at +33(0) 4 79 000 280 to let us know you have arrived.
- Park your car at the P2 Valthoparc parking lot (booking required at least 7 days before your arrival).
- Go back to the outdoor deck of "Le Rendez-vous", this is where we will pick you up by snowcat or snowmobile.
Transfers to Les Chalets can only happen after 5:45 pm, one the ski slopes are closed.
- Upon your arrival on Saturday evening, you can have dinner at the restaurant (ONLY UPON RESERVATION) or in the apartment
After midnight transfers can be booked on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays for €11 per person and per trip.
Please note that afer midnight transfer times cannot be changed. The snowmobile will pick you exactly on time, neither before nor after.
In case of a no show the full price of the shuttle will still be billed according to the number of people registered. Any cancellation have to be made before 10:00 p.m.
- All transfers either up or down have to be booked on the same day before 5:30 pm.
No exceptions outside of medical emergencies.
Two shuttle registration forms are available at the front desk.
- The first one is for booking one of the free transfer shuttles scheduled at 5.45 pm, 6.30 pm and 7.30 pm.
We cannot schedule any additional transfer during this time.
- The second form is for transfers from 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm.
You can book a transfer either up or down at a cost of €5.50 per person and per trip.
Write down the time you require a tranfer for.
If you need to ride back up earlier than scheduled just call us at +33 4 79 00 02 80.